Southernmost Point, Key West

Location: Key West, Florida
Date: January 4, 2014

Southernmost point buoy

Key West, Florida is home the the southernmost point in the United States. Or so it would seem. The famous buoy marks the southernmost publicly accessible point in the continental United States (not including Hawaii). In reality there is private land on Key West that is further south, and Ballast Key (a separate private island) is the southernmost point in Florida. But of course Hawaii is further south than all of Florida, and American Samoa (being south of the equator) is still further south of Hawaii. That said, the buoy in Key West is at a street corner and isn't more than a place to have your picture taken and think that you're 90 miles from Cuba.

View from the southernmost point

Roads at the southernmost point

Roads at the southernmost point
For more in Key West see Fort Zachary Taylor.

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